About "B Safe B Cool"

B Safe B Cool
B Safe B Cool Quote B Safe B Cool Quote B Safe B Cool Quote B Safe B Cool Quote B Safe B Cool Quote B Safe B Cool Quote B Safe B Cool Quote B Safe B Cool Quote B Safe B Cool Quote B Safe B Cool Quote

Benefits of "B Safe B Cool" training

  1. Improved student behaviour
  2. Reduced incidents of bullying, crime and anti-social behaviour
  3. Students will display more respect for drivers and other passengers
  4. Students will have an understanding of transport safety
  5. Students will understand the importance and effectiveness of CCTV
  6. Journeys to and from school will be safer
  7. Students will be more aware of how to catch a bus
  8. Younger children will feel more confident travelling on vehicles with no Passenger Assistant
  9. There will be an effective partnership working between schools and bus operators

B Safe B Cool"B Safe B Cool" is a forward thinking initiative which aims to provide students with the experience they need as they make their transition into teenage years and beyond.

The tools can be used to deliver highly successful educational training presentations. The innovative mix of real life scenarios, safety information and animated characters prove to be highly engaging for young students.

Why B Safe B Cool?

Essex County Council is a leader in educating students of all ages in safe travel. B Safe B Cool draws on Essex's experiences of dealing with anti-social behaviour on school and public transport and has been developed with the expertise of film makers and communications professionals Deadline Communications.

The B Safe B Cool umbrella suite of training and educational tools are an innovative way of improving education about behaviour on school transport, and encourage more effective collaborative partnership working to establish measures for dealing with Anti-Social Behaviour.

Students will learn practical skills needed to deal with new independence travelling alone safely and responsibly and clear advice for dealing with everyday and unexpected situations.

Who is it for?

›› Young primary school audiences who are about to travel to school on their own for the first time

›› Primary school children who are about to make the transition to secondary school

›› Secondary school children who need education about good behaviour on public and school transport